Open Source Coding

Actively Contributing to The Open Source Community

DARcorporation supports open source as an important tool for maximizing the functionality and flexibility of software applications. DARcorporation has a number of engineers on staff with a history of Open Source Software contributions and we are currently active in creating and shaping two modules which focus on airfoil analysis and comparative RPM and thrust scenarios for propellers.


This is a stripped down version of XROTOR as a complied python module. All the modification, design, and graphical functionality has been removed leaving minimal main menu options, such as:

  • OPER, which allows for the calculation of performance characteristics at given operating conditions.
  • BEND, which allows for the calculation of structural loads and deformations.
  • NOIS, which allows for the calculation of the acoustic signature.
  • LOAD, which loads a propeller definition file from the disk.
  • SAVE, which saves a propeller definition file to the disk.
  • DISP, which displays the current propeller characteristics data onscreen.

Read, Download or Clone this code – Click Here.


This is a stripped down version of XFOIL, presented in the form of a Python module. What is unique about this package w.r.t. many others out there allowing an interface to XFOIL, is the fact that the Python code talks directly to a compiled Fortran library. This approach avoids having to read/write in-/output files to the disk and communicating with the XFOIL executable. Eliminating the need for constant disk I/O operations can significantly speed up parallel frameworks giving this approach a clear advantage.

Read, Download or Clone this code – Click Here.

Lift Curve plotted using XFOIL-Python